A stay-at-home mom in Illinois won a life-changing $1.4 million Lucky Day Lotto jackpot

Unable to fall back asleep after tending to her crying baby, the mom checked the lottery app and discovered her win

Used Kids Birthdays as Lucky Numbers The lucky winner picked the winning numbers based on her children's birthdays

"Lucky Mom" Nickname for Privacy The Illinois Lottery keeps the winner's identity confidential, calling her Lucky Mom

The win will provide much-needed financial security for the family, who relies on the mom's stay-at-home income

Progressive Jackpot Game Lucky Day Lotto is an Illinois-only game with a jackpot that grows until someone wins

Over $3 Million Won This Month, Nearly 550,000 winning Lucky Day Lotto tickets have been sold in March alone

Find out all the latest and past Lucky Day Lotto results, Lucky Day Lotto results history, and payouts LUCKY DAY LOTTO